Elite Metal Tools Articles

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Metal Sanding & Grinding: What Machine Do You Need?

Submitted by mkuyvenhoven@e… on
Whether it be excess material, a deformity in the metal, or a sharp edge that needs removed, using sanders and grinders is daily task for most metalworkers. In many cases, with new projects or products, you may not know what tool or machine is best for your application. When working with abrasives and metal, both effectiveness and safety are high priorities. The goal, whenever using abrasives, is to remove material from the work piece. Depending on the size of your work piece, amount of material needing removed, and desired speed of operation, different machines may fit better for your shop.

Industry News: Positive Outlooks In the Face of COVID-19

Submitted by mkuyvenhoven@e… on
It is safe to say the COVID-19 virus has impacted the lives of every individual, both in the US and globally—and continues to affect the lives of people everywhere, in both their personal and professional lives. In what seems like an endless period of furloughs, suspended production, and closed doors, industries are beginning to surge back to life.

Jointing & Planing: 101

Submitted by mkuyvenhoven@e… on
Precision is arguably the most important aspect of woodworking—a great work of craftsmanship can be ruined by only a couple millimeters. Luckily for us, there are tools specifically made to accurately size, shape, and level workpieces and eliminate deformities. Two such tools are jointers and planers.

CNC Waterjet vs. Plasma vs. Laser: The Pros and Cons Before You Buy

Submitted by mkuyvenhoven@e… on
The most commonly asked question regarding CNC cutting tables is “What type is the best?”. It’s a great question, and a very important question—but has many different answers. There are a lot of factors involved in choosing between a plasma table, waterjet table, and laser table. Capabilities, upfront cost, cost to operate, cutting precision and quality, production rate, and adaptability are all important considerations to make when deciding to purchase a CNC cutting machine. This guide will discuss the pros and cons of each machine based on the aspects that customers have found valuable in the past.

Hemp Farming Timeline & Budget

Submitted by mkuyvenhoven@e… on
In 2018, the Farm Bill federally allowed the growing of hemp for hemp-derived products including supplements, textiles, food products, and commercial materials. Utilizing unique attributes of different cannabis species, industrial farming and processing has created the opportunity to create new products, improve existing products, and create a more sustainable model for the future. This young industry continues to grow, and with that growth comes many questions about best practices, economic sustainability, and longevity of the production, processing, and use of hemp. We at Elite Metal Tools are invested in laying the groundwork for an industry that can create sustainability in the industrial world.

Why Choose a Panel Saw

Submitted by mkuyvenhoven@e… on
Whether it’s done in the shop or on the job site, accurately cutting sheets of wood, MDF board, plastic, or other sheet goods usually requires a table saw and often a second person to lift heavy sheets on and off the saw. But there isn’t always a spare employee available, particularly these days, when many formerly busy contractors are glad to take on any one-man job they can get.

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Company Response

Submitted by mkuyvenhoven@e… on
Due to the ongoing concerns surrounding COVID-19, Elite Metal Tools is taking actions in the interest of the health and well-being of our staff, our customers, and our partners and vendors. During such uncertain times measures must be taken in the interest of health and safety. Please stay up to date on all advisories from us, as it may effect your orders and shipping times.

Landscape Edging Buyers Guide

Submitted by mkuyvenhoven@e… on
Whether it’s a backyard or the front of a business, landscaping should be treated as a work of art—one that leaves a lasting impression. Like most artwork, landscaping is the combination of several elements. The goal is to seamlessly blend the natural world with the man-made. A tool used to balance these elements is flexible landscape edging. The best of which are the products from Permaloc Edging, an edging solutions provider committed to sustainability, quality, and product innovation

Choosing the Right Press Brake

Submitted by mkuyvenhoven@e… on
For many shops or businesses, a press brake is crucial during production. Press Brakes, like band saws, shears, and sanders, are industry standards on a shop floor—so when choosing a machine for your shop or business, there are many things to consider to assure it is the best press brake for you.

Tersa vs. Xylent Cutter Heads: An Expert Opinion

Submitted by mkuyvenhoven@e… on
Sam Blasco is a renowned woodworking expert with SCM Group and MiniMax USA. See what he has to say about the importance of understanding application before choosing a cutter head system.