Mechanical Transplanter

  • Specially designed quick change pockets that can be changed in minutes.
  • Plant spacings of 10", 12", 16", 21", 32" and 64".
  • Two sizes of pocket points for small cell up to 1 1/2" and larger cells from 1 3/4 - 2 1/4".
  • Gauge wheel drive system for accurate depth control and spacing.
  • For wider plant spacings of 13.5", 16.5", 22", 27", 44" and 88".
  • Gauge wheel drive system for accurate depth control and spacing.
  • Dual control pocket discs for added strength and easy adjustment.
  • All weight of operator and plants is carried on the toolbar.
  • Five Model 550LU units
  • 525F framework
  • 5 row bed planter
  • Picture may differ from actual product

After leading the transplanter industry for over 60 years Mechanical transplanter has a wide variety of transplanters to meet the needs of every customer. They are located in Holland, MI. They sell various types of transplanters such as bare root transplanter, carousel type planters, and pull type planters.

If you are interested in transplanters or anything else Mechanical Transplanter has to offer, please contact us. Here at Elite Metal Tools we offer low prices and try our best to provide great customer service.