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The Ultimate Guide to Installing Permaloc Landscape Edging

Submitted by mcreighton@eli… on

Why Choose Permaloc Edging?

Permaloc landscape edging is renowned for its high-quality aluminum construction, offering unmatched durability against corrosion, cracking, and rust. Available in a variety of profiles and sizes, Permaloc edging provides the perfect solution for creating clean, defined borders around your garden beds, walkways, and lawns. Whether you're aiming for straight lines or intricate curves, Permaloc’s versatility has you covered.

1. Planning Your Project:

Before diving into installation, it’s crucial to plan your project. Consider the layout of your garden and the areas where you want to install edging. Think about the type of Permaloc edging that suits your landscaping style and functional needs. Remember, incorporating specific, frequently searched terms related to landscape edging in your planning phase can enhance your SEO strategy.

2. Choosing the Right Time to Install:

The best time to install Permaloc edging is during the milder months of spring or fall. Installing during these seasons can be easier on you and the soil, making it more pliable for shaping and inserting the edging.

3. Preparing the Site:

  • Clear the Area: Remove any debris, rocks, or weeds along the edge where you plan to install the edging.
  • Mark Your Lines: Use a garden hose or string to mark the shape of your edging. For straight lines, stakes and string work best; for curves, a garden hose is more adaptable.

4. Digging the Trench:

The trench for your Permaloc edging should be about 4-6 inches deep, depending on the product height and your specific landscape needs. This depth ensures stability and accommodates the edging’s vertical height, allowing for proper soil barrier and mulch retention.

5. Installing the Edging:

  • Lay Out the Edging: Position your Permaloc edging along the trench line, bending it gently to fit any curves.
  • Secure the Edging: Use the provided stakes or spikes to secure the edging into the ground. Make sure it's level and adjust as necessary before final placement.
  • Backfill the Trench: Once the edging is securely in place, backfill the trench with soil on both sides and compact it lightly to eliminate air pockets.

6. Maintenance and Care:

Permaloc landscape edging is low maintenance due to its aluminum construction. However, periodic checks to ensure it remains flush with the ground level and adjustments after heavy rainfall or soil shifting can prolong its lifespan and maintain its aesthetic appeal.

7. Design Ideas and Inspiration:

Incorporate Permaloc edging into various garden styles for both functional and decorative purposes. Use it to frame flower beds, contain gravel pathways, or edge lawns for a neat, manicured look. The clean lines and durable finish of Permaloc edging can enhance any landscaping project.


Installing Permaloc landscape edging is a straightforward process that can significantly impact the overall look and feel of your outdoor spaces. By following this guide, you'll not only achieve a beautifully edged garden but also contribute to a well-optimized, SEO-friendly online presence. Whether you're a seasoned landscaper or a DIY enthusiast, Permaloc offers the quality and versatility to meet your project's needs.

Remember, a well-executed landscaping project not only enhances curb appeal but can also improve the usability and value of your property. With Permaloc edging, you're choosing a product that combines aesthetics with functionality, ensuring your garden edges remain crisp and clean for years to come.